Saturday, August 20, 2011

Beat Heart Disease By reducing Sugar Intake, NOT taking Statins. Robert G. Carlson, MD, FACS

So all the threats by physicians to patients telling them that they need to take a statin or they will have a heart attack or stroke is just a heinous lie.

The bottom line is millions of people are taking a drug they don’t need, statins, for primary prevention. They are living with severe joint pain, memory loss and loss of energy for no reason at a cost to each of $1,000 per year (one study treated 120 patients for two years at a cost of $287,000).

Then there’s the issue of your insurance premiums increasing because your cholesterol is over 200 and now you’re supposedly at risk for heart disease.

Another study, a meta-analysis review of scientific literature was conducted by Dr. Taylor and The Cochrane Collaboration, a prestigious and respected review in the UK. The researchers found no benefit to the use of statins in primary prevention. This incredible, skillful review supports my experience in reading statin literature bought and paid for by drug companies.

That is, they are purposefully adding sick patients with heart disease to the healthy primary prevention group to “massage” and carefully remove data that supports a much higher incidence of dangerous side-effects, and more.

I applaud Dr Taylor and the Cochrane Collaboration for stepping forward and proving that statins are not helpful for people who have only high cholesterol and are in fact dangerous.

Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D writing about The Cochrane Study in the Huffington Post stated, “Cholesterol lowering statin medications like Crestor, Simvastatin,Vytorin and Lipitor have been the number one prescribed class of drugs in the U.S. for years, breaking over 36 billion dollars in sales last year… all just by making healthy people patients.”

Dr. Teitelbaum, who I respect immensely, is a pioneer in inflammation and sugar causing heart disease. He summarizes this recent report by saying, “I believe that this epitomizes a lot of modern medicine: using a meaningless test to prescribe a ineffective drug!”

Another study, a 2010 literature-based meta-analysis report from The American Medical Association found no evidence of any benefit to statin therapy (Lipitor, Crestor, Simvastatin, etc) on all-cause mortality in high-risk primary prevention much less in patients whose only sign is an elevated cholesterol over 200.

If you have parents over the age of 70, get them off statins before they suffer needlessly. If a doctor suggests Lipitor or Crestor for cholesterol of 240 and threatens you with a heart attack or stroke, just say no. It’s just not true. Neither the data nor any results, even those manufactured by the drug companies, support that risk. None!

Diets rich in carbohydrates and sugar ignite inflammation that in turn causes heart disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity. The far better choice to taking useless dangerous statins is to reduce your carbohydrate intake and take Omega -3 fish oils. You can check your CRP test to determine inflammation levels and focus on steps to bring that under control, or you can focus on reducing triglycerides and VLDL’s by removing excessive carbohydrates and sweets from your diet. Think of sugar like its pouring gasoline on the flames of inflammation. Reducing inflammation by significantly cutting your sugar intake can be relatively quick and the nice side-effect is weight loss. Take control of your life. Push away those sugar and high fructose corn syrup products and if you are struggling in the fight to reduce sugar because of cravings, invite Stop-it and the 14 day stop sugar cravings weight loss plan into your house. Visit us at

The real truth about Statins (cholesterol lowering medications) Robert G Carlson, MD, FACS

In my practice, I evaluate a large number of patients and assist with managing cholesterol levels. Even though I was a heart surgeon for many years, I don’t prescribe statins as I believe heart disease, cancer and diabetes are caused by inflammation – not cholesterol.

Two Cases In Point

The first patient in her late 50’s received a demand from her primary care physician to take Crestor for her elevated cholesterol less she suffer a heart attack or stroke without Crestor.

Another patient asked about her 86 year old mother who is taking statins because her doctor demanded it. Her mother can barely walk because her joints and muscles hurt terribly.

She is seeing a Rheumatologist, Neurologist, Orthopedic surgeon and a Pain Management specialist to manage this pain. What she needs to do is stop Lipitor that is causing the pain and stealing her memory. Once again, her doctor warned her if she stops it, she will have a heart attack or more frightening to her: a stroke. This is cruel and an out-right lie. In fact, the higher her cholesterol is, the longer she will live….

Dr Abramson, Harvard Professor wrote in the Lancet that there is no indication for any women to take a statin. None. In a French study, women between 60 and 75 had a 5 times higher mortality in five years when their cholesterol level was 160 or below, versus a women with a cholesterol level of 260.

In other words, the higher your cholesterol, the longer you survive! This study was recently confirmed in a 2010 Scandinavian Journal article.

A Major Tragedy

This is a major tragedy. Lipitor is killing this woman and thousands like her needlessly. No woman or man older than 70 should be taking a statin agent for primary prevention. That means because of high cholesterol and not for coronary artery disease management after a heart attack.

Sadly, most people taking statins have never been diagnosed with heart disease. The reason for subscribing was elevated levels of cholesterol. This is called primary prevention. Amazingly, a new scientific review of 14 studies shows that statins are virtually useless for primary prevention.

So all the threats by physicians to patients telling them that they need to take a statin or they will have a heart attack or stroke is just a heinous lie.

The bottom line is millions of people are taking a drug they don’t need, statins, for primary prevention. They are living with severe joint pain, memory loss and loss of energy for no reason at a cost to each of $1,000 per year (one study treated 120 patients for two years at a cost of $287,000).

Then there’s the issue of your insurance premiums increasing because your cholesterol is over 200 and now you’re supposedly at risk for heart disease.

Sunday, April 24, 2011



Day # 13: 218.4

Went by the Deli at Publix and had them cut a pound of Turkey nice and thick, and then added a pound of smoked Gouda cheese. I ate that for lunch and I had a late dinner with it as well while working at the office on some manuscripts I'm trying to complete on Hormone Replacement Therapies and a second on The Myths of Cholesterol From A Heart Surgeon's Perspective. I focused on drinking more water today. Sometimes I forget, but I like the "rule" that whenever you feel like you want a "snack", just drink an entire glass of water and you will be amazed how that satisfies your hunger. But of course, with this approach there are no caloric restrictions , so you can eat anything (of course no carbohydrates) that you want and eat all day if you want.

Here is the last section on your Grocery Shopping Adventure, and How important it is to pick the correct foods( All Low carbohydrate, except romaine lettuce, spinach, and even asparagus are allowed and will consist of 75% of your carbohydrate input each day.)

The critical part of the Sarasota Diet or what I would like to think of as a New Lifestyle with limited carbohydrate intake( accentuated by HCG), is to firmly avoid the foods we have restricted on the Sarasota Diet. For the first round of 28 days you can’t eat these items because the sugar cravings will take hold and your weight loss will screech to a halt. Avoid those simple sugars like sugar filled drinks and juices, pastry, cookies, sweets and candy( STOP-IT helps you fight those nasty cravings: ). Also you absolutely need to avoid those complex carbohydrates that rapidly become sugar in your body like bread, whole wheat and white, rice, oatmeal and grains. We have been told that oatmeal is good for your, Brown rice is so healthy, and whole grain breads and pasta are the best things to eat. The answer to all of those is a resounding “NO”. All of these presumably “healthy items” contain massive amounts of carbohydrates and are absolutely restricted from the Sarasota low carbohydrate approach. My goal is to restrict the total carbohydrates to 20 grams for 4 weeks and with the use of HCG , you will have the strength to fight the cravings, the energy needed to carry on your daily activities and the development of a physiology that is the healthiest form to reduce inflammation, diabetes, triglyceride levels, without experiencing the “blah” feelings that are so common with diets that aggressively restrict caloric intact, and push people into a starvation mode.

This low carbohydrate approach will now train your body to live on the fats and not the carbohydrates which are promoting inflammation and making you feel so bad. This low carbohydrate Sarasota Diet will drive your body to ketosis , where it will preferentially learn to burn your excess fat because no excess sugar is around. We know that excess sugar in your body will cause insulin levels to rise and these chronically elevated insulin levels cause excess sugar to be changed into fat and then stored inside of your belly as visceral fat, inside your blood vessels, inside your liver, and in all kinds of places we just don’t want it to be. Blocking the insulin directed fat accumulation program, will result in using your fats as energy instead of as storage units. I won’t discuss hormonal balance yet but one hormone, specifically progesterone ( which is essentially gone in women over 45 and is immeasurable in men over 50, will block the forced accumulation of fat inside of your belly as visceral fat( I LOVE NATURAL PROGESTERONE)

This is not necessarily the fat I refer to as Dunlap’s disease..or” It Dun Lapped Over My Belt”, but this is the fat that wraps around all your organs, and causes diabetes, massive inflammation and heart disease. It’s really bad stuff and I want to train our bodies to use that visceral fat as an energy source, as well as to block the creation of that “belly fat”.

HCG AND THE "SARASOTA DIET" Day 12, Continuing Our Grocery Shopping Adventure !! ROBERT G CARLSON, MD,FACS

HCG AND THE "SARASOTA DIET" Day 12, Continuing Our Grocery Shopping Adventure !! ROBERT G CARLSON, MD,FACS

HCG AND THE "SARASOTA DIET" Day 12, Continuing Our Grocery Shopping Adventure !! ROBERT G CARLSON, MD,FACS

Day 12: 218.8

Busy day in the office and had to drive to two meetings at the end of the day. Oh , what I would do for a run on the beach. I lost a little weight this time, but last night consumed an entire lemon pepper chicken from Publix, and a small spinach , cheese, and olive salad with Blue cheese dressing....and lost weight. Got to love this diet! Planning on checking my percent fat on Day 13 because I know my weight is relatively stable, but my clothes are fitting a lot more loose. Lets go back to the grocery trip again. I will tell you more about my Fat Burning Accelerator shots after we finish at the Grocery store. And then we will set up a sample week long schedule. Keep following with us and PLEASE add any comments or insights. I strongly believe that every day is a day at school, and I always love learning something new.

I like buying my meat in larger quantities, as this will be a mainstay for the next 4 weeks. Buy a few pounds of hamburger and make patties out of them and freeze the ones you won’t need for the first few days. Be aggressive with using cheeses, all kinds of cheese and spices to “soup-up” your hamburgers. I also get the sale steaks (any cuts) and eat them back to back using spices. A steak for dinner and a spinach salad will fill you up and you can pick up a few strawberries or my favorite cherry sugar free jello and cover it with either regular heavy whipping cream or the low sugar whipping cream options. Buy your cheese in bulk as well. Either the large blocks or go crazy when the individual grated cheese bags are on sale. Although, It is so much less expensive to grate your own cheese then to pay for the packaged kind . Also stay away from the low fat cheese or the kind made with milk. Always remember, when it says “lo w-fat”, it really means ‘high sugar”.

You can also purchase seafood options at almost any grocery deli. Recently I enjoyed eating over a ½ pound of lightly sauteed bay scallops with Parmesan and Romano cheese melt over the top. I was full after eating that meal and there were absolutely zero carbs in that meal.

The critical part of the diet or what I would like to think of as a New Lifestyle with limited carbohydrate intake, is to firmly avoid the foods restricted on the Sarasota Diet. For the first round of 28 days you can’t eat these items because the sugar cravings will take hold and your weight loss will screech to a halt.......... more to follow

Monday, April 18, 2011




I have been keeping a diary but have been backlogged in writing. I have put together a grouping of articles I will tie together with catching up on my scheduled recordings.

Day#11: 219.2

My energy still is good and I have incorporated my creation of B-vitamins ,carnitine , and chromium into my ANDLOS CLINIC :FAT BURNING ACCELERATOR shots( I will tell you more about these soon) which I use three times a week in conjunction with my nightly HCG shots. I have been in somewhat of a stall and I believe it is because I need to exercise more. I love it when I am losing a pound a day, but my goal is to lose 16 pounds in 28 days. My good friend in Palm Beach has exceeded that in two weeks, but he is a "little" heavier than I. Some questions I am asked daily in my clinic are: So how do I start this 'Sarasota Diet' ?" So I decided to give you a series of brief descriptions on preparing for your first sojourn to the grocery store with Low Carbohydrate approach on your mind. I will reiterate on how to do the shots again, but that is the easy part....Well in fact this whole dietary lifestyle is easy. No caloric restrictions, eat what you can, but just stay away from carbs! If you repeat slowly and often as you walk through the grocery store: "Carbs are poison. These toxins are making me fat and trying to kill me." Repeating that a few times a day will fortify your decision to avoid your previous daily onslaught of massive amounts of dangerous toxic carbohydrates. So lets go shopping....

The new "Sarasota Diet" Low Carbohydrate Lifestyle shopping experience-

Shopping in preparation for starting your low carb Sarasota diet will be a different experience. One thing you will have to do is read labels to check for how many carbohydrates are hidden in your favorite foods. The shock may be overwhelming especially when you realize that you will be allowed a maximum of 20 grams of carbohydrates a day. A cup of rice is over 40 grams. Mountain Dew is 45 grams of carbs. The foods that you would commonly throw into your shopping cart like bread, pasta, and potatoes are no longer welcome in your shopping cart. Just like diving…plan your dive, dive your plan. Your adventure in the grocery store should start with an idea of what you plan to eat for the first week. Also key to anticipating this shopping trip is the gathering of all those high carb snacks throughout your house and hidden in your desk and locking them away if not throwing them all out.

Once in the grocery store, you should shop on the periphery, like the deli, vegetables, eggs, meat, and avoid the packaged high fructose sugar items in the center aisles. Make sure you purchase many low carb options like cheese sticks, deli meats and celery to help satisfy those mid-day cravings. I find however that before you even take a bite of a mid-day snack, you should drink an entire 8 oz glass or bottled water. Then start eating your snack.

Once you arrive at the grocery begin stocking up on cheeses, meats, other high protein options and produce. This way you will purchase the primary foods you should eat for the week and not be tempted by the packaged items in the middle aisles. More to follow

Thursday, April 14, 2011

HCG AND THE "SARASOTA DIET" DAY 10. Here are the facts...low carb diets work the best and are safe! ROBERT G CARLSON, MD,FACS

HCG AND THE "SARASOTA DIET" DAY 10. Here are the facts...low carb diets work the best and are safe! ROBERT G CARLSON, MD,FACS

Day 10 218.6

I am on track for my 28 day goal of losing 16 pounds. How are you doing? I spoke to a patient today, weighing in at 310 before the program, he has already lost 16 pounds in 7 days. He feels great. Using HCG, this Palm Beach patient says he no longer feels the dragging feeling he would experience on the Atkins diet. Instead he is energized, and is experiencing no hunger pangs, and no sugar cravings. He is confident he can maintain his 20 grams of carbohydrate a day goal for 28 days, and maybe even longer. I personally like to take a "break" from the HCG, maintaining a lower carbohydrate approach after the 28 days, and then two weeks later go back onto another 28 day course of HCG. This approach will help your body remain fresh and ready to continue burning away those unwanted fats.
Many people have questioned the use of the Low carbohydrate approach. I know it is the only approach that works for me. As a cardiac surgeon, I am focused on reducing the causes of heart disease. The causes are inflammation, and the low fat diet or better known to me as the HIGH SUGAR DIET will ignite inflammation in your body accelerating heart disease and cancers. So enough about what I think. What do the big boys at Harvard, Duke and Stanford say??
Stanford University Medical School compared four weight-loss diets. People assigned to follow the Atkins diet, which had the lowest carbohydrate intake, lost more than twice the weight and experienced favorable overall metabolic effects at 12 months than those assigned to follow the Zone, Ornish, or LEARN diets.

University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and Washington University School of Medicine randomly assigned participants to either a low-carbohydrate, high-protein, high-fat diet or a low-calorie, high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet. The low-carbohydrate diet produced a greater weight loss and improvement in risk factors for coronary heart disease.

University of Cincinnati instructed obese women to follow either a low fat, calorie restricted diet or a low carbohydrate diet for six months. The women lost significantly more weight and body fat on the low carbohydrate diet than women instructed on the low fat diet at three and six months. Additionally, blood pressure, triglycerides, cholesterol, fasting blood sugar, and insulin improved.

A study out of the University of Pennsylvania, compared the effects of a low-carbohydrate diet and a low fat diet on lipoprotein subfractions and inflammation on severely obese subjects. The severely obese individuals, who followed a low-carbohydrate diet had beneficial effects on insulin resistance, blood lipids and markers of inflammation.

The objective of this meta-analysis was to look at the evidence related to the association of dietary saturated fat with risk of coronary heart disease, stroke and cardiovascular disease. This meta-analysis (review of multiple studies) showed that there is NO significant evidence supporting that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of either coronary artery disease or cardiovascular disease. Fats do not cause heart disease, it is the high carbohydrates and sugars that cause heart disease.
Harvard University examined a 12 week low fat diet against two different low carbohydrate diets, one allowing 300 more calories a day (eat all you want, just don't eat that is my kind of diet). The people who ate the higher calories with the very low carbohydrate diet were able to lose more weight compared to the lower calorie, low fat diet. And the low carbohydrate diet actually improved several risk factors for heart disease.

A Duke University study determined that a six month very low carbohydrate diet program markedly reduced body weight and improved numerous metabolic factors.
Alright, so if studies from Top University Hospital centers like Harvard, Stanford, Duke, Cincinnati, and University of Pennsylvania say that a low carb diet works better for weight loss and improvement in factors affected heart disease, than the low fat diet, then isn’t it about time to throw the low fat diet in the garbage and change to a low carbohydrate lifestyle? It is safe, effective and the best tolerated, so no time is better than the present to begin the Low carbohydrate approach to weight loss and add HCG in the Sarasota Diet to maximize your results and achieve massive weight loss. Dr C